grief counseling
grief counseling

Our support for family and loved ones is ongoing...

What services or counseling does Keystone Hospice provide to family or loved ones?

Every hospice program offers bereavement services to family and loved ones for a minimum of 13 months following the death of a patient. This may take the form of phone contact, short-term counseling, support groups, educational forums, written information on the grief process, assessment of need and referrals to community resources and/or assistance with memorial services.

Can family member receive bereavement or grief counseling through Keystone Hospice even if the patient didn’t receive hospice care?

Yes. Most hospice programs, including Keystone Hospice, serve as a resource to the larger community for grief education and counseling. Bereaved persons should contact their local hospice to inquire about the services available. If that program is unable to meet the need directly, they will provide referral information.

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